Hear the Music

Monday, May 16, 2005

On Fasting

"Fasting is the advocate of repentance. Adam and Eve disobeyed God; they refused to fast from the forbidden fruit. They became slaves of their own desires. But now through fasting, through obedience to the rules of the Church regarding the use of spiritual and material goods, we may return to the life in Paradise, a life of communion with God. Thus, fasting is a means of salvation, this salvation being a life we live in accordance with the Divine will, in communion with God."

This is amazing. I can taste joy when I read this. What beautiful stories the Church can tell! And how practical this option lies before me! Should I not take this up in accord with the Church? What good awaits me?

Friday, May 06, 2005

How is our theology informing our philosophy? Or perhaps that is too abstract. To mimic our friend and mentor John Mark, What does Jesus have to do with Plato? I ask this question for the sake of integrity, because I used to have two blogs. One was "Christian" and "devotional." The second was "Platonic" and "musical." Both I believe had shadowy inklings, however right or wrong, of Truth Himself and His creation.

This seems to be the start of a "Christian Platonist" language. How much of a "Christian Platonist" language have you developed since participating in the Torrey Honors Institute and becoming a member at graduation? Who else is developing such a language?

If indeed the kosmos was made through and for Christ, with spiritual, intelligible, and sensible dimensions, it seems we must cultivate a language particular to our lives which has unity, just as Plato seems to communicate a unified and consistent kosmos through words in any particular dialogue.

We seem to be a rare breed.