Hear the Music

Thursday, July 14, 2005

What about wisdom?

Who ever thought that maxims could suffice for knowing wisdom, which concerns the good of all things? How quickly can our actions be judged? In the complexity of human beings and the blind, ugly opinions we have, what pride we have!

Damn the so-called charity of action! It does without thinking, without consideration, without learning, in fact, it doesn't do much at all, except accidentally! How mechanical our souls have become!

You, wise one, show me charity with wisdom and I'll consider your god.

Nietzche saw some of the truth. Will you consider the criticism of one who sees from the outside?
How innocent are we when we enter this world? Augustine's Confessions tells of the tyranny of children. Children who demand the fulfillment of their desires, and revenge themselves on the disobedient by crying, disobeying, etc. This is reasonable.

But what of the innocence of the intellect? How should anyone understand evil? I see evil, I see a fellow man hurting another intentionally, yet he does it in ignorance. He does not understand what he is doing.

I see this, and I see it in ignorance as well. Why should this be? How will we learn better?
Let me sit in this meditation on evil.

Dare I say this: the prevalence of evil stuns me. It is so near, and even within me. The weight of one crushed life, or one tragedy, is horrible.

Yet how many people exist on Earth today? 6,446,131,400 according to the CIA's estimates: http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/rankorder/2119rank.html

Six billion, four hundred and forty-six million, one hundred and thirty-one thousand, and four hundred people suffer. Hatred, envy, incontinence, ignorance...

Humanity reeks in the nostrils of God. We reek in the nostrils of God.